
avatara hy asankhyeya

hareh sattva-nidher dvijah

yatha ’vidasinah kulyah

sarasah syuh sahasrasah


avatarah—all the incarnations; hi—certainly; asankhyeyah—beyond counting; hareh—from the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sattva-nidheh—who is the reservoir of spiritual energy; dvijah—O brahmanas; yatha—as; avidasinah—containing a great reservoir of water; kulyah—small ponds; sarasah—from a lake; syuh—must be; sahasrasah—by hundreds and thousands of times " ’O learned brahmanas, just as hundreds and thousands of small ponds issue from great reservoirs of water, innumerable incarnations flow from Sri Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the reservoir of all power.’


This verse is quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.3.26).