hayasirsa-pancaratre kahe sola-jana
tara mate kahi ebe cakradi-dharana
hayasirsa-pancaratre—the revealed scripture named the Hayasirsa-pancaratra; kahe—says; sola-jana—sixteen personalities; tara mate—according to this opinion; kahi—I shall describe; ebe—now; cakra-adi-dharana—the holding of weapons, beginning with the disc "According to the Hayasirsa-pancaratra, there are sixteen personalities.
I shall now describe that opinion of how They hold the weapons.
The sixteen personalities are as follows: (1) Vasudeva, (2) Sankarsana, (3) Pradyumna, (4) Aniruddha, (5) Kesava, (6) Narayana, (7) Madhava, (B) Govinda, (9) Visnu, (10) Madhusudana, (11) Trivikrama, (12) Vamana, (13) Sridhara, (14) Hrsikesa, (15) Padmanabha, (16) Damodara.