dhyayan krte yajan yajnais
tretayam dvapare ’rcayan
yad apnoti tad apnoti
kalau sankirtya kesavam
dhyayan—meditating; krte—in the Satya-yuga; yajan—worshiping; yajnaih—by the performance of great sacrifices; tretayam—in the Treta-yuga; dvapare—in the Dvapara-yuga; arcayan—worshiping the lotus feet; yat—whatever; apnoti—is achieved; tat—that; apnoti—is obtained; kalau—in the Age of Kali; sankirtya—simply by chanting; kesavam—the pastimes and qualities of Lord Kesava " ’Whatever is achieved by meditation in Satya-yuga, by the performance of yajna in Treta-yuga or by the worship of Krsna’s lotus feet in Dvapara-yuga is also obtained in the Age of Kali simply by chanting and glorifying Lord Kesava.’
The Opulence and Sweetness of Lord Sri Krsna Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura gives the following summary study of the Twenty-first Chapter.
In this chapter Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully describes Krsnaloka, the spiritual sky, the Causal Ocean and the material world, which consists of innumerable universes.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then describes Lord Brahma’s interview with Krsna at Dvaraka and the Lord’s curbing the pride of Brahma.
There is also a description of one of Krsna’s pastimes with Brahma.
In this chapter the author of Caitanya-caritamrta has presented some nice poems about the pastimes of Krsna and Krsna’s superexcellent beauty.
Throughout the rest of the chapter, our intimate relationship (sambandha) with Krsna is described.