
tretayam rakta-varno ’sau

catur-bahus trimekhalah

hiranya-kesas trayy-atma



tretayam—in the Treta-yuga; rakta-varnah—of a reddish color; asau—He; catuh-bahuh—with four arms; tri-mekhalah—having three circles on the abdomen; hiranya-kesah—hair colored like gold; trayi-atma—whose form manifests the Vedas; sruk-sruv-adi-upalaksanah—decorated with the sacrificial spoon, ladle and so on " ’In the Treta-yuga, the Lord appeared in a body that had a reddish hue and four arms.

There were three distinctive lines on His abdomen, and His hair was golden.

His form manifested the Vedic knowledge, and He bore the symbols of a sacrificial spoon, ladle and so on.’