
yasyanghri-pankaja-rajo ’khila-loka-palair

mauly-uttamair dhrtam upasita-tirtha-tirtham

brahma bhavo ’ham api yasya kalah kalayah

sris codvahema ciram asya nrpasanam kva


yasya—whose; anghri-pankaja—lotuslike feet; rajah—the dust; akhila-loka—of the universal planetary systems; palaih—by the masters; mauli-uttamaih—with valuable turbans on their heads; dhrtam—accepted; upasita—worshiped; tirtha-tirtham—the sanctifier of the holy places; brahma—Lord Brahma; bhavah—Lord Siva; aham api—even I; yasya—of whom; kalah—portions; kalayah—of a plenary portion; srih—the goddess of fortune; ca—and; udvahema—we carry; ciram—eternally; asya—of Him; nrpa-asanam—the throne of a king; kva—where " ’What is the value of a throne to Lord Krsna? The masters of the various planetary systems accept the dust of His lotus feet on their crowned heads.

That dust makes the holy places sacred, and even Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Laksmi and I myself, who are all portions of His plenary portion, eternally carry that dust on our heads.’


This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.68.37).

When the Kauravas flattered Baladeva so that He would become their ally and spoke ill of Sri Krsna, Lord Baladeva was angry and spoke this verse.