
inho nija-sampatti saba prakata kariya

priyera upara yaya sainya sajana


inho—this; nija-sampatti—her opulence; saba—all; prakata kariya—manifesting; priyera upara—against her beloved husband; yaya—goes; sainya sajana—accompanied by soldiers “But in the case of the goddess of fortune, I see a different kind of pride.

She manifests her own opulences and even goes with her soldiers to attack her husband.”


After seeing the impudence of the goddess of fortune, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami wanted to inform Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu about the superexcellence of the gopis’ loving affairs.

He therefore said, “My Lord, I never experienced anything like the behavior of the goddess of fortune.

We sometimes see a beloved wife becoming proud of her position and then frustrated due to some neglect.

She then gives up caring for her appearance, accepts dirty clothes and morosely sits on the floor and draws lines with her nails.

We have heard of such egoistic pride in Satyabhama and the gopis of Vrndavana, but what we see in the goddess of fortune here at Jagannatha Puri is completely different.