ei-saba sthane ’kila-kincita’ udgama
prathame ’harsa’ sancari-mula karana
ei-saba sthane—in such places; kila-kincita—of the symptom of the ecstasy known as kila-kincita; udgama—awakening; prathame—in the beginning; harsa—jubilation; sancari—ecstatic emotion; mula karana—the root cause "At such times, the ecstatic symptoms of kila-kincita are awakened.
First there is jubilation in ecstatic love, which is the root cause of these symptoms.
Whenever Srimati Radharani leaves Her house, She is always well-dressed and attractive.
It is Her womanly nature to attract Sri Krsna’s attention, and upon seeing Her so attractively dressed, Sri Krsna desires to touch Her body.
The Lord then finds some fault in Her and prohibits Her from going to a river crossing and stops Her from picking flowers.
Such are the pastimes between Srimati Radharani and Sri Krsna.
Being a cowherd girl, Srimati Radharani regularly carries a container of milk and often goes to sell it on the other side of the Yamuna.
To cross the river, She has to pay the boatman, and the spot where the boatman collects his fares is called the dana-ghati.
Lord Sri Krsna stops Her from going, telling Her, “First You have to pay the fee; then You will be allowed to go.” This pastime is called dana-keli-lila.
Similarly, if Srimati Radharani wants to pick a flower, Sri Krsna claims to be the garden’s proprietor and prohibits Her.
This pastime is called kila-kincita.
Radharani’s shyness arises due to Sri Krsna’s prohibitions, and ecstatic loving bodily symptoms called kila-kincita-bhava are manifest at this time.
These ecstatic symptoms are explained in the following verse, which is from Srila Rupa Gosvami’s Ujjvala-nilamani (Anubhava-prakarana 44).