sriyah kantah kantah parama-purusah kalpa-taravo
druma bhumis cintamani-gana-mayi toyam amrtam
katha ganam natyam gamanam api vamsi priya-sakhi
cid-anandam jyotih param api tad asvadyam api ca
sriyah—the goddess of fortune; kantah—the damsels; kantah—the enjoyer; parama-purusah—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; kalpa-taravah—desire trees; drumah—all the trees; bhumih—the land; cintamani-gana-mayi—made of the transcendental touchstone jewel; toyam—the water; amrtam—nectar; katha—talking; ganam—song; natyam—dancing; gamanam—walking; api—also; vamsi—the flute; priya-sakhi—constant companion; cit-anandam—transcendental bliss; jyotih—effulgence; param—the supreme; api—also; tat—that; asvadyam—everywhere perceived; api ca—also " ’The damsels of Vrndavana, the gopis, are super goddesses of fortune.
The enjoyer in Vrndavana is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna.
The trees there are all wish-fulfilling trees, and the land is made of transcendental touchstone.
The water is all nectar, the talking is singing, the walking is dancing, and the constant companion of Krsna is His flute.
The effulgence of transcendental bliss is experienced everywhere.
Therefore Vrndavana-dhama is the only relishable abode.’
This is a quotation from Brahma-samhita (5.56).