
aher iva gatih premnah

ato hetor ahetos ca

yunor mana udancati


aheh—of the snake; iva—like; gatih—the movement; premnah—of the loving affairs; sva-bhava—by nature; kutila—crooked; bhavet—is; atah—therefore; hetoh—from some cause; ahetoh—from the absence of a cause; ca—and; yunoh—of the young couple; manah—anger; udancati—appears “ ’The progress of loving affairs between young couples is by nature crooked, like the movement of a snake.

Because of this, two types of anger arise between young couples-anger with a cause and anger without a cause.’ ”


This is a quotation from Srila Rupa Gosvami’s Ujjvala-nilamani (Srngara-bheda-prakarana 102).