asmin sukha-ghana-murtau param-
atmani vrsni-pattane sphurati
atmaramataya me vrtha
gato bata ciram kalah
asmin—when this; sukha-ghana-murtau—form of complete happiness; parama-atmani—the Supreme Person; vrsni-pattane—in Dvaraka-dhama; sphurati—exists; atmaramataya—by the process of cultivating Brahman realization; me—my; vrtha—uselessly; gatah—wasted; bata—alas, what can I say; ciram—for a long time; kalah—time " ’In this Dvaraka-dhama, I am being attracted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is personified spiritual bliss.
Simply by seeing Him, I am feeling great happiness.
Oh, I have wasted so much time trying to become self-realized through impersonal cultivation.
This is a cause for lamentation!’
This verse is also found in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (3.1.34).