vibhu-rupe vyape, saktye dharana-posana
madhurya-saktye goloka, aisvarye paravyoma
vibhu-rupe—in His all-pervasive feature; vyape—expands; saktye—by His potency; dharana-posana—maintaining and nourishing; madhurya-saktye—by His potency of conjugal love; goloka—the planetary system Goloka Vrndavana; aisvarye—and by opulence; para-vyoma—the spiritual world "Through His all-pervasive feature, the Supreme Personality of Godhead expanded the entire creation.
He is holding and maintaining this creation by His extraordinary potency.
By His conjugal potency, He maintains the planetary system known as Goloka Vrndavana.
Through His six opulences, He maintains many Vaikuntha planets.
In His gigantic form, Lord Krsna has covered the creation.
He holds all the planetary systems and maintains them by His inconceivable potencies.
Similarly, He is maintaining His personal abode, Goloka Vrndavana, through His conjugal love, and He is maintaining the spiritual world containing the Vaikuntha planets by His opulences.