sakti, kampa, paripati, yukti, saktye akramana
carana-calane kanpaila tribhuvana
sakti—power; kampa—trembling; paripati—method; yukti—argument; saktye—with great force; akramana—attacking; carana-calane—by moving the foot; kanpaila—caused to tremble; tri-bhuvana—the three worlds "Krama also means power, trembling, a systematic method, argument, and a forcible attack by stepping forward.
Thus Vamana caused the three worlds to tremble.
Uru means very great, and krama means step.
When Lord Vamanadeva was offered three steps of land, He expanded His three steps by covering the entire universe.
In this way the three worlds trembled, and therefore Sri Vamanadeva, the incarnation of Lord Visnu, is referred to as Urukrama.