
’bhakti’-sabdera artha haya dasa-vidhakara

eka--’sadhana’, ’prema-bhakti’--nava prakara


bhakti—bhakti; sabdera-of this word; artha—meanings; haya—are; dasa-vidha-akara—ten varieties; eka—one; sadhana—the execution of regulative devotional service; prema-bhakti—ecstatic love; nava prakara—nine kinds "There are ten meanings to the word bhakti, devotional service.

One is execution of devotional service according to the regulative principles, and the other, called prema-bhakti (ecstatic love) has nine varieties.


The nine varieties are rati, prema, sneha, mana, pranaya, raga, anuraga, bhava and mahabhava-attraction, love, affection, adverse feelings, intimacy, attachment, subattachment, ecstatic love and sublime ecstatic love.

For the execution of devotional service according to regulative principles, there is only one meaning.