
danta-dhavana, snana, sandhyadi vandana

guru-seva, urdhva-pundra-cakradi-dharana


danta-dhavana—washing the teeth; snana—bath; sandhya-adi vandana—regular chanting of the mantras; guru-seva—serving the spiritual master; urdhva-pundra—wearing perpendicularly straight tilaka; cakra-adi-dharana—stamping the body with different names and symbols of the Lord "In the morning, one should regularly brush his teeth, take his bath, offer prayers to the Lord and offer obeisances to the spiritual master.

One should render service to the spiritual master and paint one’s body in twelve places with urdhva-pundra (tilaka).

One should stamp the holy names of the Lord on his body, or one should stamp the symbols of the Lord, such as the disc and club.