
“sarupanam eka-sesa eka-vibhaktau”

uktarthanam aprayogah

ramas ca ramas ca ramas ca rama itivat


sa-rupanam—of words of the same form; eka-sesah—only the last; eka-vibhaktau—in the same case; ukta-arthanam—of the previously spoken meanings; aprayogah—nonapplication; ramah ca—and Rama; ramah ca—and Rama; ramah ca—and Rama; ramah itivat—in this way, by one rama, many ramas are indicated " ’Of words having the same form and case termination, the last one is the only one retained.

For example, the word ramah is used to stand for ramas ca, ramas ca, ramas ca, etc.’


This is a quotation from Panini’s sutras (1.2.64).