
ei unisa artha karilu, age suna ara

’atma’-sabde ’deha’ kahe,--cari artha tara


ei—these; unisa—nineteen; artha—meanings; karilu—I have done; age—ahead; suna—hear; ara—more; atma-sabde—by the word atma; deha—the body; kahe—is understood; cari artha—four meanings; tara—of that "I have already explained nineteen different meanings.

Now please hear further meanings.

The word atma also refers to the body, and this can be taken in four ways.


The four divisions are (1) aupadika-brahma-deha, the material body considered as Brahman with designations (vide verse 212), (2) karma-nistha yajnikera karma-deha, the body engaged in ritualistic ceremonies of the Vedic injunctions (vide verse 214), (3) tapo-deha, the body engaged in austerities and penances (vide verse 216), and (4) sarva-kama-deha, the body engaged for the satisfaction of all kinds of material desires (vide verse 218).