dhanyeyam adya dharani trna-virudhas tvat-
pada-sprso druma-latah karajabhimrstah
nadyo ’drayah khaga-mrgah sadayavalokair
gopyo ’ntarena bhujayor api yat-sprha srih
dhanya—glorified; iyam—this; adya—today; dharani—the surface of the globe; trna-virudhah—the grass and herbs; tvat—Your; pada-sprsah—from the touch of the lotus feet; druma-latah—the creepers and trees; karaja-abhimrstah—touched by Your nails; nadyah—the rivers; adrayah—the hills; khaga-mrgah—the birds and forest animals; sadaya-avalokaih—because of Your merciful glances; gopyah—the gopis, the damsels of Vraja; antarena—by the region between; bhujayoh—Your two arms; api—also; yat—for which; sprha—desirous; srih—the goddess of fortune " ’This land Vrndavana (Vrajabhumi) is glorified today.
Your lotus feet have touched the earth and grass.
Your fingers have touched the trees and creepers, and Your merciful eyes have glanced upon rivers, hills, birds and beasts.
The gopis have been embraced by Your arms, and even the goddess of fortune desires this.
Now all of these are glorified.’
This verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.15.8) is spoken by Lord Krsna to Sri Balarama.