
gaudendrasya sabha-vibhusana-manis tyaktva ya rddham sriyam

rupasyagraja esa eva tarunim vairagya-laksmim dadhe

antar-bhakti-rasena purna-hrdayo bahye ’vadhutakrtih

saivalaih pihitam maha-sara iva priti-pradas tad-vidam


gauda-indrasya—of the ruler of Gauda-desa (Bengal); sabha—of the parliament; vibhusana—fundamental; manih—the gem; tyaktva—relinquishing; yah—one who; rddham—opulent; sriyam—kingly enjoyment; rupasya agrajah—the elder brother of Srila Rupa Gosvami; esah—this; eva—certainly; tarunim—youthful; vairagya-laksmim—the fortune of renunciation; dadhe—accepted; antah-bhakti-rasena—by the mellows of inner love of Krsna; purna-hrdayah—satisfied fully; bahye—externally; avadhuta-akrtih—the dress of a mendicant; saivalaih—by moss; pihitam—covered; maha-sarah—a great lake or very deep lake; iva—like; priti-pradah—very pleasing; tat-vidam—to persons acquainted with the science of devotional service "Srila Sanatana Gosvami, the elder brother of Srila Rupa Gosvami, was a most important minister in the government of Hussain Shah, the ruler of Bengal, and he was considered a most brilliant gem in that assembly.

He possessed all the opulences of a royal position, but he gave up everything just to accept the youthful goddess of renunciation.

Although he externally appeared to be a mendicant who had renounced everything, he was filled with the pleasure of devotional service within his heart.

Thus he can be compared to a deep lake covered with moss.

He was the object of pleasure for all the devotees who knew the science of devotional service.


This and the following two verses are from Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka (9.34, 35, 38).