’visvasa’ asiya prabhura carana vandila
’krsna’ ’krsna’ kahi’ preme vihvala ha-ila
visvasa—the secretary; asiya—coming; prabhura—of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; carana—the lotus feet; vandila—worshiped; krsna krsna—the holy name of the Lord, Krsna, Krsna; kahi’-uttering; preme—in ecstasy; vihvala—overwhelmed; ha-ila—became.
The Mohammedan secretary came to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
When he offered his respects to the Lord’s lotus feet and uttered the holy name of the Lord, “Krsna, Krsna,” he also was overwhelmed with ecstatic love.